We will be six!
Mark, Karin, Kim and I welcome Louise Turner and Eric Griffith to the roster of regulars here on Heroines of Fantasy. As the official blog of Hadley Rille Books, we thought it would be great to include HRB's other genres, historical/archaeology, and science fiction. Louise is our historical lady, and the author of the recently released Fire and Sword. Eric is our scifiguy and the author of Beta Test, published in 2010. They will be introducing themselves in the months to come, so I won't steal their thunder here; but if you want a little sneak-peek, head on over to our contributors page and get one.
And that's not all...
Heroines of Fantasy is instituting a Wednesday Book Review, and with those reviews come new contributors. We will be posting reviews for fantasy, science fiction, and historical fiction, novels published by legitimate small press, novels by women authors, and/or novels that feature complex female characters. Julia Dvorin is going to be coordinating the endeavor, as well as reviewing. The other reviewers who have signed on so far are:
David Hunter
Cybelle Greenlaw
Chris Gerrib
Harriet Goodchild
Eve Brackenbury
Carlyle Clark
For more about our reviewers, you can check everyone out on our reviewers page.
Do you have a novel that you'd like to have reviewed? Authors may submit queries to reviewers at HoFreviews@gmail.com. Queries must include the following information: title, author, publisher, release date, brief description of book, cover image and purchase link, available formats for review (print, electronic, and if electronic, mobi, epub, etc.) If a reviewer decides to review a book, he or she will contact the author and request a copy of the novel. Go here or more info.
In the months to come, we all look forward to some great discussion here. Our commander-in-chief, Eric T. Reynolds is up next week for his yearly New Year contribution. Come ring in the new year with us here on Heroines of Fantasy!
~Terri-Lynne DeFino
~Terri-Lynne DeFino
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