Author: Jim C. Hines
Genre: Fantasy, humor
Price: $3.99 (ebook) $9.89 (paperback)
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1502451903
Point of Sale: Amazon
Reviewed by: Chris Gerrib
Friend-of-the-blog and generally good egg Jim Hines is a writing machine, having released 10 quite enjoyable novels over the past eight years. But he wasn’t born such a writing machine – like most “overnight successes” he spent a long time toiling in the trenches. Jim’s also a giving fellow, and in the spirit of the season he’s decided to give us a special work.
Jim’s latest novel, out today, is called The Prosekiller Chronicles: Rise of the Spider Goddess. Although it’s new to readers, it’s old hat to Jim. Spider Goddess is Jim’s very first novel-length piece of prose, written back
I called Spider Goddess a novel-length piece of prose because it’s truly bad. Our hero, Nakor the Purple, likes to hang around watching over-described sunsets while getting into truly unbelievable combat with unknown (and not very competent) foes. The book also stars an angst-y vampire, an owl (or maybe a falcon, depending on the chapter) and the most cardboard world ever bound between cardboard covers.
There are two things that save Spider Goddess. First, it’s an object reminder that even good writers started somewhere. More importantly, Jim has a sense of humor, so he’s liberally sprinkled snarky and humorous comments in the book, making fun of his younger self’s (lack of) writing skills. Think Mystery Science Theater 3000 meets Lord of the Rings.
So, if you’re looking for a humorous diversion, go sneak a copy of Volume 1 (and done) of The Prosekiller Chronicles: Rise of the Spider Goddess.
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